Starr Evans “Seiya Yukai .q2 f2,” Starr comes from a rich family, and is a graduate from Pokémon Tech. She's very friendly and lovable, and likes to joke around a lot, although she can be serious if times call for it. She's not your typical cardboard cutout villain, either; she will go out of her way to help someone who's upset or depressed cheer up, and she cares about her Pokémon. Her main Pokémon is Raichu; her main team is composed of Raichu, Pikachu, Vulpix, Zubat, Wartortle, and Cubone. She's a great Pokémon trainer, but she tends to think of herself as only being pretty good since she doesn't have a particularly high level of self-esteem. Starr joined Team Rocket because no one really paid
attention to her. In Pokémon Tech, she was a VERY good student,
but people kept pressuring her to shut up and dumb down...they got jealous
of her being given special work and privileges because she was so smart,
and they even accused her of cheating. She had very few good friends. The
friends she DID have, though, ended up joining TR for reasons unknown to
her, and they asked her to join with them, since things wouldn't be any
fun without her.
Name: Starr Evans
Japanese Name: Yukai Seiya (“Seiya Yukai”, in the Western
style of given name first, family name last)